Be an example of what you intend to teach. I Tim. 4:12; I Cor. 11:1
Demonstrate love before correction. do not combine praise and blame. The more you praise your sons and daughters the less you need to discipline them. Heb. 12:6
Train your child to seek your approval and to delight in wisdom. Prov. 10:1
Establish goals and limitations. Heb. 12:8
Limitations will be tested for security.
No limitation implies rejection of child. Young people want to be conquered.
Teach obedience by the word "NO!"
Teach reverence for God, parents, property.
Set goals: personal disciplines, finances, friends, music, skills character, ministry.
5. Clarify the consequences of disobedience. Example: Adam - avoid bitterness. Satan's major attack on the church comes through deception. First Offense:
Get alone with the child. I Thess. 2:11
Clarify instruction (was it understood?)
Convey grief eye-to-eye (for repentance) Ezra 9:3
Give only one warning
Be prepared to follow through on discipline.
Make sure punishment is scriptural
Second Offense:
Act "in the day you hear of it." Num. 30:5
Bind Satan before confrontation. Mark 3:27
Get alone for correction
Establish personal responsibility. I John 1:9
Appeal to his conscience. "Could I ask you some very personal questions? You do not have to answer these questions, but if you do, will you be honest? Romans 2:15
Emphasize your responsibility to God. Proverbs 13:24
Reflect grief --- wait for repentance.
Associate correction with love. Hebrews 12:6
Win his will without breaking his spirit. Hebrews 12:15
Know the causes of a broken spirit --- anger, inconsistency, or injustice by parents. "meekness---my energy under God's control."
Purpose of crying --- clear conscience. Rod is a symbol of authority.
Signs of willfulness --- temper tantrums, no crying, threats of retaliation, resentment.
In difficult cases --- express more grief, examine your life for similar failures or God's reproof.
Give comfort after repentance (word, affection, understanding) same parent. Hebrews 12:11
Welcome to a Ladies Be Joyful. Would you like to live a joyful life? You have come to the right place. The greatest joy you can have in your life is to find Jesus Christ as your Savior. He offers abundant life to anyone who puts their trust in Him. There is more than enough for everyone! When you have found new life in Christ you have crossed God's bridge to eternal life. When we cross from this life into life eternal, that will be another great joy! So if you have not experienced new life in Christ then look here or here to find out how to experience that joyful moment which brings peace that passes all understanding. As you visit, perhaps you will find some other resources that will contribute to more joy in your life. It is my desire that these resources will be beneficial to you and will bring some extra joy into your life. May the Lord's blessing be upon you and may you know Him and the abundant joy that only He can give.
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